A farewell to dragons iso download

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What does Sir Satyrane symbolize in the allegory? What was his character and education? Note the Elizabethan conception of the goddess Fortune in xxxi. Did Una act ungratefully in leaving the Satyrs as she did?

Who is the weary wight in xxxiv? What news of St. George did he give? Was it true? Who is the Paynim mentioned in xl? Note Euphuistic antithesis in xlii. Explain the figures in iv , vi , x , xliv. Paraphrase ll. Find Latinisms in xxv ; xxvi ; xxviii ; xxxi ; and xxxvii. Describe the fight at the end of the Canto. The Plot: Continuation of Canto V. Duessa pursues the Redcross Knight, and overtakes him sitting by an enchanted fountain, weary and disarmed. He is beguiled into drinking from the fountain, and is quickly deprived of strength.

In this unnerved and unarmed condition he is suddenly set upon by the giant Orgoglio. After a hopeless struggle he is struck down by the giant's club and is thrust into a dungeon. Una is informed by the dwarf of the Knight's misfortune and is prostrated with grief. Meeting Prince Arthur, she is persuaded to tell her story and receives promise of his assistance. The Christian soldier, beguiled by Falsehood, doffs the armor of God, and indulges in sinful pleasures, and loses his purity. He then quickly falls into the power of Carnal Pride, or the brutal tyranny of False Religion Orgoglio.

At this juncture National Honor and Consciousness comes to the relief of Protestantism. He feedes upon, he enjoys. A Latinism: cf. Spenser probably takes the suggestion from the fountain in the gardens of Armida in Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered , xiv, Pourd out, a metaphor borrowed from Euripides Herac. An hideous Geant, Orgoglio, symbolizing Inordinate Pride, and the Pope of Rome, who then claimed universal power over both church and state x. For a list of many other giants of romance see Brewer's Handbook , pp.

The invention of artillery by infernal ingenuity is an old conception of the poets. So in the romance of Sir Triamour. A monstrous beast, on which the woman of Babylon sat; Revelation , xiii and xvii, 7.

This refers to the Romish policy of fostering ignorance among its members. It was slain by Hercules. Stremona is a name of Spenser's own invention. The reference is to the cruelty and insensibility of the Romish Church. Its tail reached to the stars. Revelation , xii, 4.

So hardly he, etc. So he with difficulty coaxes the life which has flown to return into her body. According to the Platonic teaching, the body is the prison-house of the soul.

Cf Psalms , cxlii, 7. But seeled up with death, but closed in death. If lesse then that I feare, etc. Was never Lady, etc. A goodly knight. Could the author have possibly intended in him compliment to Sir Walter Raleigh? See Spenser's Letter to Raleigh. Arthur is the beau ideal of knighthood, and upon him the poet lavishes his richest descriptive powers. His armor, his shield Pridwen, his lance Roan, and sword Exculibur, were made by the great enchanter Merlin in the isle of Avallon.

Like Hesperus, the evening star. Phosphorus, the morning star. The dragon couchant was also the crest of Arthur's father, Uther, surnamed on this account Pen-dragon.

His warlike shield. Spenser here follows closely the description of the shield of the magician Atlante in Ariosto's Orlando Furioso , ii, It was popularly supposed that magicians and witches had power to cause eclipses of the moon. All falsehood and deception.

Truth and Wisdom are symbolized Upton. Him is dative. It Merlin was. Ambrose Merlin, the prince of enchanters, son of the nun Matilda, and an incubus, "half-angel and half-man. He died spellbound by the sorceress Vivien in a hollow oak. See Tennyson's Idylls of the King. And for her humour, etc.

The subject of found is the substantive clause who Observe the antithetical structure of this stanza, both in the Stichomuthia , or balance of line against line, and in the lines themselves. In this rapid word-play Arthur wins his point by appealing to Una's faith.

No faith so fast, etc. Una, Truth, is the sole daughter of Eden. Astronomical figure. Phison and Euphrates, etc.

See Genesis , ii, In this stanza the poet strangely mixes Christian doctrine and the classical belief in the envy of the gods working the downfall of men. Tartary, Tartarus for the rhyme , the lowest circle of torment in the infernal regions. Has this obscure line any reference to prophecy? Daniel , vii, 25, Revelation , xii, 6, That noble order, the Order of the Garter, of which the Maiden Queen was head.

The figure of St. George slaying the dragon appears on the oval and pendant to the collar of this Order. Cleopolis is red, is called Cleopolis, i. That he my captive languor, the languishing captivity of my parents. My loyalty, i. That brought not backe, etc. Relate how the Knight fell into the hands of the Giant. Note the fine adaptation of sound to sense in vii.

Who were the parents and the foster-father of Orgoglio? What are the principal characteristics of the giants of romance as seen in Orgoglio?

In the description of the giant do the last two lines viii add to or detract from the impression? To whom does Spenser ascribe the invention of artillery? Explain the allegory involved in the relations of Duessa and Orgoglio. How does Una act on hearing the news of the Knight's capture? What part does the Dwarf play? Is Una just to herself in ll. Is she over sentimental or ineffective—and is the pathos of her grief kept within the limits of the reader's pleasure?

Express in your own words the main thought in xxii. Note the skillful summary of events in xxvi , and observe that this stanza is the Central Crisis and Pivotal Point of the whole Book.

The fortunes of the Knight reach their lowest ebb and begin to turn. The first half of the Book has been the complication of the plot, the second half will be the resolution. Give a description of Prince Arthur. What mysterious power was possessed by his shield? Observe carefully the scene between Una and Arthur, noting the changes in her mood.

What light is thrown on her character? What are her feelings toward the Knight? Explain the various threads of allegory in this Canto. At the blast of the Squire's horn the Giant comes forth attended by Duessa mounted on the seven-headed Beast. In the battle which ensues Arthur wounds the Beast, slays the Giant and captures Duessa. Prince Arthur finds the Redcross Knight half starved in a foul dungeon and releases him. Duessa is stripped of her gaudy clothes and allowed to hide herself in the wilderness.

Magnificence, the sum of all the virtues, wins the victory over Carnal Pride, and restores Holiness to its better half, Truth. With the overthrow of Pride, Falsehood, which is the ally of that vice, is stripped of its outward show and exposed in all its hideous deformity.

The false Romish Church becomes drunk in the blood of the martyrs. There is a hint of the persecutions in the Netherlands, in Piedmont, of the massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day and the burnings under Bloody Mary. Protestant England is delivered from Popish tyranny by the honor and courage of the English people.

Spenser here imitates the description of the magic horn of Logistilla in Ariosto's Orlando Furioso , xv, 15, Such horns are frequently mentioned in romance, e. This stanza is an imitation of Homer's Iliad , xiv, Some connect it with the Cimbric Chersonese, or Jutland, which was famous for its herds of bulls.

Note the Latinism "threatened his heads," and the imperfect rhyme "brands. Through great impatience of his grieved hed, etc. In one alone left hand, in one hand alone remaining. His left arm had been cut off x. The uncovered shield represents the open Bible.

The incident is an imitation of Ruggiero's display of his shield in Orlando Furioso , xxii, Your fortune maister, etc. With natures pen, etc.

That greatest princes, etc. This may mean 1 befitting the presence of the greatest princes, or 2 that the greatest princes might deign to behold in person. The first interpretation is preferable. A general reference to the bloody persecutions without regard to age or sex carried on for centuries by the Romish Church, often under the name of "crusades," "acts of faith," "holy inquisition," etc.

This may refer to the burning of heretics, under the pretext that the Church shed no blood. Kitchin thinks that it means "accursed ashes. An Altare, cf. Revelation , vi, 9. Carv'd with cunning ymagery, "in allusion to the stimulus given to the fine arts by the Church of Rome" Percival.

In Spenser's day, belief in astrology, the pseudo-science of the influence of the stars on human lives, was still common. There was an old familiar ballad entitled Fortune my Foe. Best musicke breeds delight, etc. A troublesome passage. Upton and Jortin emend delight to dislike ; Church inserts no before delight and omits best ; Kitchin suggests despight ; Grosart prefers the text as it stands with the meaning that although the best music pleases the troubled mind, it is no pleasure to renew the memory of past sufferings.

I venture to offer still another solution, based on the context. When Una shows a desire to hear from her Knight a recountal of his sufferings in the dungeon, and he is silent, being loath to speak of them, Arthur reminds her that a change of subject is best , for the best music is that which breeds delight in the troubled ear.

In this passage Spenser follows closely the description of the witch Alcina in Ariosto's Orlando Furioso , vii, Rogero has been fascinated by her false beauty, and her real foulness is exposed by means of a magic ring. The stripping of Duessa symbolizes the proscription of vestments and ritual, and the overthrow of images, etc.

Duessa is only banished to the wilderness, not put to death, and reappears in another book of the poem. What moral reflections are found in i? What were the duties of the Squire in chivalry? What part does Arthur's Squire play? What does the Squire's horn symbolize? Observe the classical figure in ix. Describe the battle before the Giant's Castle, stating what part is taken by each of the four engaged. Point out several of the characteristics of a typical battle of romance, and compare with combats in classical and modern times.

What additional traits of Una's character are presented in this Canto? Note especially her treatment of the Knight. How is the unchangeableness of truth illustrated in this story? Who is the old man in xxx seq. Who is the woful thrall in xxxvii? In what condition, mental and physical, is the Knight when liberated?

How long was he a captive? What was Duessa's punishment? Was it adequate? Explain its moral and religious meaning. Observe the use of thou and ye you in this Canto. Find examples of antithesis , alliteration , Latinisms. After exchanging presents with the Redcross Knight, he bids farewell to Una and her companions.

These pursue their journey and soon meet a young knight, Sir Trevisan, fleeing from Despair. Sir Trevisan tells of his narrow escape from this old man, and unwillingly conducts the Redcross Knight back to his cave. The Knight enters and is almost persuaded to take his own life. He is saved by the timely interposition of Una. This is the most powerful canto of Book I. Having escaped from actual sin, but with spiritual life weakened, it almost falls a victim to Despair through excess of confidence and zeal to perform some good action.

The Soul is saved by Truth, by which it is reminded to depend on the grace of God. The allegory on its religious side seems to have some obscure reference to the long and bitter controversies between Protestantism Calvinism and Roman Catholicism allied with infidelity.

O goodly golden chaine, chivalry or knightly honor, the bond that unites all the virtues. In Malory's Morte d'Arthur , Arthur is taken from his mother, Ygerne, at birth, and committed to the care of Sir Ector as his foster-father, i, 3.

In Merlin Sir Antor is his foster-father. Rauran mossy hore, Rauran white with moss. A "Rauran-vaur hill" in Merionethshire is mentioned by Selden. With forced fury, etc. In the sixteenth century his was still almost always used as the possessive of it.

Its does not occur in the King James Version of the Bible Could ever find the heart to grieve, etc. A Euphuistic conceit. According to the physiology of Spenser's age, love was supposed to dry up the humors "moysture" of the body.

But told, i. Ensample make of him, witness him the Redcross knight. Whiles every sence, etc. Next to that Ladies love, i. Does the poet mean that allegiance to queen and country comes before private affection?

Was firmest fixt, etc. A booke, the New Testament, an appropriate gift from the champions of the Reformed Church. An armed knight, Sir Trevisan, who symbolizes Fear. Pegasus, the winged horse of the Muses. For note on the false possessive with his , see note on V, Whose like infirmitie, etc.

But God you never let, but may God never let you, etc. Eliot's Castell of Helthe , published in I wote, etc. I, whom recent trial hath taught, and who would not endure the like for all the wealth of this world, know how a man may be so gained over to destroy himself.

This simile is a very old one. A drearie corse, Sir Terwin, mentioned in xxvii. What justice, etc. Is then unjust, etc. Observe the subtle argument on suicide in this and st. Spenser here puts into the mouth of the Knight Socrates' argument to Cebes in their dialogue on the immortality of the soul. As he were charmed, etc.

The dragons of romance are all described as fire-breathing,. Mark , xiii, A reference to Paul's letter to the Colossians , ii, 14, in which he declares that the gospel of grace has superseded the law of Moses. Give an account of Prince Arthur's vision of the Faerie Queene.

Interpret his search for her as an allegory of the young man's quest after his ideal. Observe in xvii an allusion to Spenser's patron, Lord Leicester, who was a favored suitor for Elizabeth's hand. What presents did the Knights exchange at parting? Characterize Sir Trevisan by his appearance, speech, and actions. What does he symbolize? Note the skill with which Spenser arouses interest before telling of the interview with Despair. What was the fate of Sir Terwin? Its moral significance? Describe the Cave of Despair, and show what effects are aimed at by the poet.

Trace the sophistries by which Despair works in the mind of the Knight, e. Does Despair show knowledge of the Knight's past? With what powerful truths does Una meet the arguments of Despair? Find examples of Euphuism , metaphors , similes , Latinisms , and alliteration. Explain the verb forms in ll. He is healed in body, and undergoes discipline for his sins.

Mercy conducts him through the Hospital of Good Works, where he sees her seven Beadsmen. He then with Una climbs the Hill of Contemplation and hears from a holy man the story of his past with a prophecy of his future, and obtains a view of the City of Heaven. At last it enjoys a mood of happy Contemplation of the past with bright prospects for the future. The whole canto sets forth the beauty in a life of faith combined with good deeds.

The religious allegory presents the doctrine, discipline, and spirit of Protestantism in the sixteenth century. A close parallel may be drawn between this canto and many things in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. For his House of Holiness and its management, Spenser has no doubt taken many suggestions from the great manor house of some Elizabethan gentleman.

Fidelia and Speranza, Faith and Hope. I Corinthians , xiii, And knew his good, etc. The description of Fidelia is full of biblical allusions, viz. And when she list, etc. This line is given in the folio edition of , but is wanting in the edition of and The absolutions granted by the clergy. Whose passing price, etc. They represent good works: 1 entertainment of strangers; 2 food to the needy; 3 clothing to the naked; 4 relief to prisoners; 5 comfort to the sick; 6 burial of the dead, and 7 care of widows and orphans.

From Turkes and Sarazins. In the sixteenth century thousands of Christians were held captive in Turkish and Saracen prisons, and many of these were ransomed by the charitable of Europe. Prescott tells us that Charles V found 10, Christians in Tunis at its capture in It is the subject of an old miracle play.

The reference is to the resurrection from the dead. And thus passed [she— certaine times up and downe the house; which the Emperor marking, said to himselfe, Now have I seene two persons which my heart hath long wished to behold; and sure it cannot otherwise be said he to himselfe but that the spirits have changed themselves into these formes, and have but deceived me, calling to minde the woman that raised the prophet Samuel: and for that the Emperor would be the more satisfied in the matter, he said, I have often heard that behind, in her neck, she had a great wart or wen; wherefore he tooke Faustus by the hand without any words, and went to see if it were also to be seene on her or not; but she, perceiving that he came to her, bowed downe her neck, when he saw a great wart; and hereupon she vanished, leaving the Emperor and the rest well contented.

FAUSTUS, the knight was not present during Faustus's "conference" with the Emperor; nor did he offer the doctor any insult by doubting his skill in magic. We are there told that Faustus happening to see the knight asleep, "leaning out of a window of the great hall," fixed a huge pair of hart's horns on his head; "and, as the knight awaked, thinking to pull in his head, he hit his hornes against the glasse, that the panes thereof flew about his eares: thinke here how this good gentleman was vexed, for he could neither get backward nor forward.

When Faustus, having taken leave of the emperor, was a league and a half from the city, he was attacked in a wood by the knight and some of his companions: they were in armour, and mounted on fair palfreys; but the doctor quickly overcame them by turning all the bushes into horsemen, and "so charmed them, that every one, knight and other, for the space of a whole moneth, did weare a paire of goates hornes on their browes, and every palfry a paire of oxe hornes on his head; and this was their penance appointed by Faustus.

Doctor Lopez, domestic physician to Queen Elizabeth, who was put to death for having received a bribe from the court of Spain to destroy her. Doctor Faustus on a time went to the Duke of Anholt, who welcommed him very courteously; this was the moneth of January; where sitting at the table, he perceived the dutchess to be with child; and forbearing himselfe untill the meat was taken from the table, and that they brought in the banqueting dishes [i. She answered him, Doctor Faustus, now truly I will not hide from you what my heart doth most desire; namely, that, if it were now harvest, I would eat my bellyfull of grapes and other dainty fruit.

Doctor Faustus answered hereupon, Gracious lady, this is a small thing for me to doe, for I can doe more than this. Wherefore he tooke a plate, and set open one of the casements of the window, holding it forth; where incontinent he had his dish full of all manner of fruit, as red and white grapes, peares, and apples, the which came from out of strange countries: all these he presented the dutchesse, saying, Madam, I pray you vouchsafe to taste of this dainty fruit, the which came from a farre countrey, for there the summer is not yet ended.

The dutchesse thanked Faustus highly, and she fell to her fruit with full appetite. The Duke of Anholt notwithstanding could not withhold to ask Faustus with what reason there were such young fruit to be had at that time of the yeare. Doctor Faustus told him, May it please your grace to understand that the year is divided into two circles of the whole world, that when with us it is winter, in the contrary circle it is notwithstanding summer; for in India and Saba there falleth or setteth the sunne, so that it is so warm that they have twice a yeare fruit; and, gracious lord, I have a swift spirit, the which can in the twinkling of an eye fulfill my desire in any thing; wherefore I sent him into those countries, who hath brought this fruit as you see: whereat the duke was in great admiration.

H 4, ed. Whereupon he fell in love with her, and made her his common concubine and bed-fellow; for she was so beautifull and delightfull a peece, that he could not be one houre from her, if he should therefore have suffered death, she had so stoln away his heart: and, to his seeming, in time she was with childe, whom Faustus named Justus Faustus. The childe told Doctor Faustus many things which were don in forraign countrys; but in the end, when Faustus lost his life, the mother and the childe vanished away both together.

I 4, ed. Oh faire bird, what foul musicke is this? A[h—, faire angell, that could not tarry two dayes in his place! I 2, ed. We would, by the helpe of good divines and the grace of God, have brought you out of this net, and have torne you out of the bondage and chaines of Satan; whereas now we feare it is too late, to the utter ruine both of your body and soule. Doctor Faustus answered, I durst never doe it, although I often minded to settle my life [myself?

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