The AVR is not executing the bootloader for some reason. If the programmer is not resetting the micro before attempting to connect, this might be the reason. Try to reset the AVR press and release the button while the programmer is attempting to connect.
Sometimes software that runs in a tight loop will prevent the bootloader from connecting. Barring that, the fuses might have gotten messed up or the code erased. You would need to reflash the bootloader and proper fuses, again, see the appropriate info page for your device.
Check this forum post for some more ideas. I got this error because I didn't specify the correct programmer in the avrdude command line. You have to specify "-c arduino" if you are using an Arduino board. It seems pins 0 RX and 1 TX , which can be used for serial communication, are problematic and better to be free while uploading the code. There are all kind of solutions all over the internet, sometimes hard to tell the difference with magic!
Maybe Arduino team should think of better compiler errors helping users differentiate between these different causes. The same problem happened to me and none of the solutions above worked. What happened was that I was using an Arduino uno and everything was fine, but when I bough an Arduino Mega , no matter what sketch I tried to upload I got the error:.
Then select the items in the list and press update on right. This isn't really a fixing solution but it may help others. Unlike Nick had said for me it was due to code in my program. I have the mega ADK model. The issue was tied to a switch statement for processing and parsing the returned byte[] from the usb connection to the Android. Its very strange because it would compile perfectly every time but would fail as the OP had stated.
I commented it out and it worked fine. Previously tried by port replicator, but it did not even recognized arduino, thus I chosen wrong port - resulting in timeout message.
I had the same problem, and in my case, the solution was updating the usb-serial driver using windows update on windows 10 device's manager. There was no need to download a especific driver, I just let windows update find a suitable driver. I faced same problem. It is a common use on cheap clones to lower price. Official arduinos use a second atmega atmega16u2 natively supporting usb instead of the ch Allowing windows to identify the arduino model. You should try to update your ch driver as you have the same problem with the 2 boards.
You can also try to connect your board to an usb2 port as some problems and solutions to try are posted here arduino forum And even try to use an usb2 hub Then roll back driver so the PC uninstalls all updates to the driver.
At this point uploading the code will give the "Windows does not recognize driver" or some error like that. Now just unplug and plug the UNO back in and update driver. This solved the problem for me. Hope this helps :. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.
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No, thanks. Absolute crap. This program overwrites your system PATH environment variable and breaks your applications. You know what's worse? The bug has been there for years and nobody bothers to fix it. I wish I had read the reviews before installing. Too late now. Report inappropriate content. Thanks for helping keep SourceForge clean.
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